MVC Architecture

 In this article we will discuss MVC structure. Most of the languages are  based on MVC structure. MVC is the abrivation of model-view-controller, So, Let's start

What is Controller ?

Controller contains the collection of actions. You can say action is same as method which control the request on controller. Any request are mapped through routing on actions/methods.In every request controller has responsibilty to manage the request.Controller works same as abstraction.Controller has responsibiliy that ensure the data is valid or not and choose to which view will be returned.


View is a user interface which shows the data at front end. Basically view manage the data presentation and user intrection. View contain on html page. You can say view is front end interface. In application, views are seperately managed. If your application is based on MVC structure tjem you can easily update any part of your application.


In model class you have the data and business logic. It manage the data wheich is related to applications. Model objects get and save the model state in the database.In MVC structur all model classes are seperately managed.